S.O.N.A (not yet uhuru)

Peela B (original track by Letta Mbuli)

"iSONO, kodwa sizo'VOTA" - Amid the echoes of a profound past, this piece resonates deeply in our present, pondering the true essence of freedom. Drawing inspiration from the legendary South African artist, Mama Letta Mbulu, this song serves as a melodic reflection on our ongoing journey towards liberation. As the solitary notes rise, they pose a

"iSONO, kodwa sizo'VOTA" - Amid the echoes of a profound past, this piece resonates deeply in our present, pondering the true essence of freedom. Drawing inspiration from the legendary South African artist, Mama Letta Mbulu, this song serves as a melodic reflection on our ongoing journey towards liberation. As the solitary notes rise, they pose a powerful question to the conscious listener: Are we truly free? This song is not just an auditory experience but a call to action, reminding us that while the path to true freedom is long, our resolve to seek redress and vote for change remains unwavering.

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the joy of being born into a world of love.


We are a diverse team of independent thinkers who appreciate the art of story-telling.As conscious creatives we have something to say about everything, with specific focus on the following spaces;  Music, Architecture, Fashion & Videography